Welfare Manager

Mental Health is an area of life that doesn’t discriminate, and it’s something that often goes unnoticed at Footy Clubs.

As a club, we want to do more to help those in our football family who are struggling and not coping well. As such, the club is extremely proud of our commercial relationship with Crossroads Counselling. Crossroads Counselling Practice provides professional and compassionate Counselling to adults, children, teens, families and couples who come with a broad range of concerns.

How does this role work and how do I make contact with Crossroads Counselling?

If you feel that you need to speak to someone about your mental health, then please reach out to Crossroads Counselling on 02 80054948. Confirm with them your membership of the Pennant Hills Football Club.

How much will it cost?

If you choose to engage with Crossroads Counselling, for a professional counselling session, the first visit to the practice would be free of charge (covered by the club). Strict confidentiality applies and the club would not be provided any details of your session.

Crossroads Counselling are qualified counsellors and mental health workers available for CONFIDENTIAL sessions regarding any issues concerning a club member (including players, coaches, volunteers, or admin).

Pennant Hills AFL Club will pay for the first session.

Remember, it is OK to seek help or advice.

Call on (02) 8005 4948

LOOK out for the signs

Sometimes it can be hard to know if your friend is going through a rough patch or whether there might be something more serious going on like anxiety or depression. You might notice that they are not hanging out with their friends as much anymore or are always tired and feeling down. They might be snappier or perhaps look a mess. When you notice these changes, check in with your friends to see if they’re OK.

LISTEN to your friend’s experiences

Sitting and quietly listening is the next step. Don’t rush to offer advice. Let them know you are there for them and that you want to help where you can. If they don’t want to talk about it, respect that. Let them know you are worried and that you are happy to listen when they want to talk or suggest other people. By listening and responding in a non-judgmental and reassuring manner, you are helping in a major way.

TALK about what’s going on

Knowing what to say can sometimes be difficult. You might not be sure how to start a conversation with them, or you might be worried about saying the wrong thing. You could say things like “I’ve noticed that you seem a bit down lately”, or perhaps, “You seem like you are really down, and not yourself, I really want to help you. Is there anything I can do?” Showing that you are willing to listen to what is going on can be really supportive of your friend. You don’t need to have all the answers.

SEEK help together

Encourage your friend to get some support. They might want to start by talking with their family about has been going on or they may prefer to talk with someone that they do not know, like a doctor or health professional. You could help them to find and arrange an appointment with a health professional; you might even offer to go with them to their first appointment to help them feel more relaxed about it. If they don’t feel comfortable with the first health professional, then you could help them find another.

Adapted from www.youthbeyondblue.com.au