AFL NSW-ACT has an ideal that we should all hold true, And that is “leaving the game and community in better shape for future generations”.
This will be achieved through working through the three key values:

– Focus on delivering or exceeding performance objectives
– Responsible for our actions and results and do what we say we will
– Act with integrity – deal with all people honestly, ethically and transparently
– No surprises
– Make decisions in a timely manner, even when under tight deadlines and pressure
– Be prepared to go the extra mile
– Persevere when faced with setbacks
– Strive for constant improvement
– Respect the great history of our game and its role in the community but challenge the status quo
– Find new and creative ideas to innovate
– Focus on the future
– Embrace change and new ideas
– Embrace and respect diversity and inclusion – understand and value the differences in every person
– Acknowledge the efforts of others
– Listen actively and consider other viewpoints
– Cooperate with others
– Help team or other departments or stakeholders in getting work done
– Act with humility and modesty