Junior Player Permit Request

This application form is for JUNIOR AFL Registered players to request permission from the AFL to Play U19’s Men’s, U20’s Women’s, Open Age Men’s or Open Age Women’s Grades (e.g. above your age group) 

If you are eligible to register for a junior club based on your age, you must do this first, as it is a directive of the Sydney AFL.

For example:
– If you are a 16 year old player on the 1st of January in the season you wish to play, then you must register with a junior club in the U17’s competition.

If you wish to play any matches in a grade above this (e.g. U19’s Men’s, U20’s Women’s or an open age senior side in either Men’s or Women’s) you then need to complete the form on this page.

To validate and lodge this permit, we require that you complete and return the form below to Club Registrar Phil Scarlett at pscarlett@bigpond.com.au 

AFL Sydney Age Dispensation Application to Play Up 

For further information regarding the junior player permit, please contact the Pennant Hills Senior AFL Club registrar Phil Scarlett on 0408 640 130